A detailed description of the transcription system and symbols can be found in our transcription manual (in Czech):
The manual can be downloaded either in HTML or PDF formats.
List of transcription symbols
VM | Speaker identification |
XX | Indistinguishable speaker |
N1, N2, N3 | Unknown speakers |
Z1, Z2, Z3 | Reporters in transcript heading |
R-Z1, R-Z2, R-Z3 | Reporters in body of transcript |
R-N1, R-VK | Speakers in news reports |
[nevím] | Two speakers talking simultaneously (overlap) |
= | "Latching" (no gap between turns) |
zase | Syllable/word emphasized |
a:le: | Sound elongated |
e ee eee eh ehm em hm mhm ehe e-e | Sounds of hesitation and response |
(.) | Short pause |
(..) | Longer pause |
(...) | Long pause |
? | High-rising intonation |
, | Low-rising intonation (slight rise or slight rise and fall) |
. | Falling intonation |
mon- | Unfinished word |
<uhodil> | Uttered while laughing |
(ale) | Presumed, but not fully comprehensible expression (uncertain transcription) |
( ) | Incomprehensible expression |
((smích)) | Transcriber’s comment |